So here I am, four days late, writing my new blog. I have given myself permission to be late as part of my new years resolution... to enjoy imperfection as a part of my life, to slow down, breathe, give things time, and to enjoy the process rather than feeling relentless pressure to get to the end goal (of which there are many).
I'm finding it hard already.
Reading around my favourite blogs over the last few days I've noticed, although I'm not surprised, that many of my contemporaries have written about similar desires for their new years posts. How did we get to this point? Is it society, or is it the pressure we put on ourselves that causes this suffocating feeling of never quite having done as much as we had hoped when we turn in at the end of another hectic day? I wonder if my grandmothers, who had 11 children between them, ever stopped and wondered where they were in their lives. In any case, this new world we live in is a privileged place to be and I'm going to try to enjoy as may of the good bits as possible.
I'm a list kind-a-gal, but I am going to try not to restrict myself by making my lists about things with an end-point... so here is my (sort of) deliberately late game plan for the new year... in no particular order...
1. Slow down. In almost every aspect of my life. Cycling to work, cooking dinner, bathing my daughter; these are all things I love. I resolve to enjoy these simple pleasures, every day.
2. Speed up. With the stuff that doesn't matter... it doesn't matter if the table on that Word document isn't formatted right on the fourth page - no-one but me cares, or will even notice. I waste a lot of time trying to make stuff perfect.
3. Be more like the children who surround me every day. Honesty, creativity, curiosity, compassion... we adults have a lot to learn.
4. Silence. Totally underrated in my world. I'm going to squeeze a bit in to every day.
5. Enjoy imperfection. Let things evolve: this blog, my approach to life, my taste in design - whatever it may be, let it change and don't be afraid to share the journey with others. Most importantly, keep telling myself this - Life doesn't have to be perfect to be wonderful. (anon)
Thanks for reading,
I think the comment box ate my response. Really pleased you're blogging, Briony. Looking forward to reading more, and to following your journey with these resolutions. I relate to each and every one x